Reuseable nappies

I just love being a mum. It’s so much fun as our little one (lo) is a star. He gives such excellent hugs and cuddles! And he likes going out and about and watching people and daily life from the comfort of the sling. We have been trying out different things to see what works best for us and our darling son (or ds/dd as they are known on websites like mumsnet or netmums). One of the recommendable issues for us are the Real Nappies we have been trying out. There is quite a controversial debate as to how ecological these really are in comparison with disposables (see Wikipedia).


The first few weeks with baby

Thank you very much for the interest, good wishes and presents for our little one and our new family. My baby is now over a month old and is doing really well and growing really fast – at his birth, he weighed 3 600g/7 pounds and 15 ounces and now he is already over 4kg. He is starting to show cute facial expression and tries to learn smiling. He has recently developed a huge visual interest in colours. He loves dancing with Daddy and going out with him in the baby sling. He likes meeting new people who all adore him, so he is putting on extra cheeky charm.


Our lovely baby boy is born

Yes I have had my baby boy on Wednesday last week – what an experience to treasure! What an adrenaline trip and together with sleep deprivation and raging hormones an unbelievable life experience. My mind started to go in a daze and I was most times living in a different reality to how other and most people perceived my life at this moment. It is difficult to remember any facts as I have hardly any recollection of objective timing and locations and people, I was living totally in Ulla-Land and totally absorbed with the birth. I love to tell you my whole story so you – and everybody else interested – can take advantage of my positive birth process and prevent any repetition of the negative side-effects of my hospital stay.


Ethics and Ecology

So I have been wandering around the local area – not too far from home – and ended up in the library reading the Which? consumer magazine during a little rest. non-compostable teabag remains I got shocked by two articles: that most teabags are not anymore 100% compostable, as they include a polypropylene plastic netting in order to heat-seal the bags. These include fairtrade and organic brands like “TeaDirect” and “Clipper”, too. And astonishingly, also fruit and herbal teas. Which a quick dig in my wormery confirmed – for several hours I had to sieve out the left-overs of teabag netting to put into landfill instead.


T – ? (towards birth)

The baby is still not there. We are waiting for him to make an appearance now every day. My midwife has already talked about inducing the birth, but I am very much against it after reading about the possible side effects. I am very grateful to have been made aware of the AIMS (Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services) publications as they research these issues very well – from possible mistakes in calculating the due date to flawed research regarding home births and breech births. Ina May Gaskin’s book “Guide to Childbirth” is also very recommendable and empowering as based on the practical outcomes of over 2000 midwife-led home births from the 70ies till the new millennium.